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Adventure in Life

The word "Adventure" does not only mean trying Bungee jumping, trekking, surfing, skiing etc. Real adventure lies in trying out new things which we have not tried so far, be it cooking a new recipe, learning new language, making new friends, starting to meditate etc You know you will get to know one extra things from the real adventure, whether you succeeded in your attempt or not. I am passionate about any kind of arts and I constantly try out new things. One day I came across Macrame (knotting techniques using threads) tutorials and I wanted to give it a try and it came out very well for me. I learnt different type of threads available in the market and how it will behave for different knotting techniques. It was an Adventure for me.  You have one more thing stored in your encyclopaedia mind to talk about! Learning! Adventure is nothing but adding more and more real information to your mind, not any junk chit chats. It is when you experience yourself and start believing the

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